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Privacy Policy

1. What Personal Data does WAL process?

Identity Data: may include your full name, maiden name, last name, title, gender(optional), and image
Contact Data: may include your address, email address, and telephone number.
Financial Data: may include your bank account and payment card details
Transaction Data: may include details about payments between us and other details of purchases made by you.
Technical Data: may include, internet protocol addresses, browser type and version, browser plug-in types and versions, time zone setting and location, operating system and platform, and other technology on the devices you use to access our website.
Profile Data: may include purchases or orders, your interests, preferences, feedback, and survey responses.
Usage Data: may include information about how you use our website, products, and services.
We do not collect any sensitive data about you.
You must be over 18 years old for us to process your personal data.

2. How do we collect your personal data?

We collect data about you through a variety of different methods including:
Direct interactions: You may provide data by email or via our website or otherwise when you:
create an account;
order our services;
subscribe to our service;
request resources or marketing be sent to you;
give us feedback;

3. How do we use your data?

We only use your personal data when legally permitted. The most common uses of your personal data are:
When we need to perform the contract between us –
This would include, for example, the use of your personal data to contact you regarding your purchase of one of our services; to respond to a request for a demonstration; to respond to an order; the production/sending of invoices; to collect and process payments (card/cheque/bank transfers); to notify you of any changes to our terms and conditions or privacy policy.
Where we need to comply with legal or regulatory obligations.
Generally, we do not rely on consent as a legal ground for processing your personal data.
We will only use your personal data for the purposes for which we collected it unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose.
If we need to use your personal data for a purpose unrelated to the purpose for which we collected the data, we will notify you and we will explain the legal ground of processing.
We may process your personal data without your knowledge or consent where this is required or permitted by law.

4. Requesting to delete data

If you wish to delete your data, please email us at and we will begin the data deletion process.

Alternatively you can to delete your data by deleting your account in the settings menu. To do so:

1. From the home screen tap on your profile picture on the top right.
2. From your profile screen tap on the settings icon on the top right.
3. In the settings menu tap on “Account Settings”.
4. In the account settings menu there will be a big red button on the bottom reading “Delete your Account”, tap on that.

Finally tap on “Yes, Delete my Account”, and your account along with your personal data will all be deleted.

If you are registered using Facebook then you may also request data deletion through their platform. Check the Facebook section below for a guide on how to do that

What data do we collect from users who register with Facebook?

Users who register to our app using Facebook will have their name, profile picture, and email address stored.
For more info on what data we store and process after a user registers and starts using our app, check the section above.

To delete your data from our app:
1. Click account in the top right of Facebook.
2. Select Settings & Privacy, then click Settings.
3. Go to the app or website that you want to remove, then next to the WAL, click Remove.
4. Click Remove again to confirm.
5. Click on View Removed Apps and Websites
6. Find WAL and click on View
7. Click on Send Request
8. Click on View Status to see the status of your data deletion.

What are cookies and what do they do?

Cookies are text files that are placed on websites on the internet. Each cookie includes the name of the website and a unique ID. We use cookies on this website.

Cookies track things like how long a visitor spends on our website and what visitors do on our website (which pages they visit and which buttons they click on, for example). Cookies collect this information and share it with us, the website owner.

Cookies help us understand who uses our website and how we can improve it. For instance, we can understand which pages of our website are most popular with certain kinds of visitors. This allows us to understand what visitors like about our website and how we can make it more attractive for other visitors.

How do we use cookies?

As we set out above, we use cookies on the WAL website. Cookies help us to understand how our users interact with our website. Most of the cookies we use on our website are ‘persistent’ cookies. This means that they remain on your device until you erase them or they expire. The rest of these cookies are ‘session-based which are more temporary in duration. This means they will be erased when you close your internet browser.

We use the following types of cookies:

Necessary cookies: Necessary cookies are placed on our website by default. You can turn off these cookies on your device if you don’t want us to use the necessary cookies but it might impact your ability to browse our website. We need necessary cookies to help us to run our website, and to help us detect any problems with it. For example, we use a cookie that tells us how busy the server is based on the number of visitors and that tells us if any users experience problems so that we can resolve the problems as soon as possible. We also use cookies to remember our users while they are browsing our website, its pages, links, and subdomains. For example, we use necessary cookies to help recognize you and provide you with content as you browse the website. We may also use a cookie that tracks your cookie privacy preferences so that we do not place analytics and advertising cookies, which we’ll talk about below if you don’t want us to. This particular type of cookie will remain on your device even after you’ve stopped browsing the website so we can make sure we comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.

Analytics and advertising cookies: These allow us to recognize and count the number of visitors to our website and see how visitors browse our website, so we can understand how our website content is performing and improve it where necessary. We use third-party cookies for this purpose and we’ve explained in the table below the specific cookies we use. Advertising and analytics cookies also allow us to see what pages, links, and sub-domains visitors have visited so we can provide more relevant ads. We may share this information with other organizations, such as Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn, for the same purpose.

Please see the table below for more detail about which advertising and analytics cookies we use and why.

What cookies do we use?

Bing Ads
Tells us how our ads on Bing are working and what kinds of users are interested in WAL.

A cookie that tracks when a user is about to leave the WAL website. It asks them to provide their email address so we can tell them a bit more about WAL and our promotions.

Enables us to detect when a user has arrived on the WAL website by clicking on a WAL ad on another site or as a result of a referral or reward advertised on another site.

Facebook Ads
Tells us how our ads on Facebook are working and what kinds of users are interested in WAL.

To record page views relating to careers, and inform us if someone applies for a job through the careers page of the WAL website.

Google Ads
A cookie that shows us how effective our WAL ad campaigns are by tracking how many users click through to our website from a particular ad, and the demographic of those users.

Google Analytics
Allows us to see how many users are on the WAL website, which pages they are visiting, and track how many visitors joined WAL.

Google Optimise
Part of our testing platform to help us understand whether any changes we’ve made to WAL website pages have been well received.

Google Tag Manager
This cookie controls other cookies on the website.

An intercom is a tool that allows users to chat to Support through our website. It uses a script with a visitor cookie associated with it.

Instagram Ads
Tells us how our ads on Facebook are working and what kinds of users are interested in WAL.

LinkedIn Insight
Tells us how often people are clicking on our ads on LinkedIn and are taken to the jobs board on the WAL website.

Twitter Ads
Tells us how our ads on Twitter are working and what kinds of users are interested in WAL.

You can manage your preferences by changing your browser settings on your device to refuse the use of all or some cookies. However, if you block all cookies (including necessary cookies), you may not be able to use all or some parts of our website. You may also find that you are shown information on our